Frequently Asked Questions 


How to use CONVERVE? ( Video for Women-owned Businesses) 


What is the SheTrades Commonwealth Programme?

The SheTrades Commonwealth Programme aims to facilitate the participation of Women-Owned Businesses (WOBs) in international trade and increase job creation in Commonwealth countries with a specific focus on Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana and Bangladesh. The programme does so by supporting women-owned businesses in these countries to:

i)        increase their visibility and connect them to potential buyers, investors, suppliers and business support organizations

ii)     provide capacity building trainings including e-learning courses, on-site workshops and webinars, to teach new skills that will help WOBs grow their businesses 

iii)   provide comprehensive support to attend national, regional and international buyer to seller trade events.


What is the difference between the SheTrades Initiative and the SheTrades Commonwealth Programme?

The International Trade Centre (ITC) launched the SheTrades Initiative in year (2015/2016) with aim of connecting three million women entrepreneurs to market by 2021. The SheTrades Initiative provides women entrepreneurs around the world with a unique network and platform to connect to markets. Through the SheTrades app, women entrepreneurs are able to share information about their companies, increase visibility, expand networks, connect and internationalize.

The SheTrades Commonwealth is one of many projects within the SheTrades Initiative. The SheTrades Commonwealth Programme is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), and is implemented by the Women and Trade Programme of the ITC.

WOBs that are members of the SheTrades Commonwealth Programme have the benefit of,

  1. participating in trainings that the SheTrades Initiative offers, and
  2. receiving unique training and support that is only available to SheTrades in the Commonwealth members.


Who can register for this programme and which are the requirements?

Women Owned Business (WOBs)  from Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria in the sectors supported by this programme;
Business Support Organizations; and

For more information on this as well as requirements click here


Do I need to pay to register?

 No, registration to become a beneficiary of SheTrades Commonwealth Programme is free of charge. 


Under which sector should I apply? 

Based on the requirements you can apply under the following sectors. Click on the links below to find the products/services included in each sectors

Agriculture            IT&BPO               Textiles and Apparel               Tourism


Why can’t I continue to the next section during my registration? 

 The system won’t allow you to continue to the next section unless you have at least answered the mandatory fields. The platform will highlight and place messages in red to indicate the missing fields. Do not forget to upload mandatory documents in PDF or JPG


What do I do if I lost my password?

 Click on this link, type your email and then click on "Recover Password". You will  receive an email with instructions on how to recover your password. 


How can I change/update my profile?

You can add and change information by logging in your account using the email address you use for registration and your password. Once you are in your homepage, click on  "edit profile" 








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